What is the Second Golden Age?
The Second Golden Age is a project by KNOW aimed at creating rich, thought-provoking, powerful media to elevate the Muslim mind and create thinkers, changemakers, and pioneers that are Quran-driven, live with purpose, and create a massive impact.
Our objective is to revive the spirit of the first Islamic Golden Age and how we can use this knowledge to change and impact the world, today. We do this by asking a key question: Can spirituality and the sciences be united harmoniously to usher in a Second Golden Age of Islam?
Why Subscribe?
The Second Golden Age: Igniting a Vision for a Purposeful Future!
At The Second Golden Age, we believe that every individual possesses hidden potential, waiting to be unlocked and harnessed for a greater purpose. Our mission is to revive the spirit of the historical Golden Age of Islam, an era of intellectual brilliance and cultural enlightenment, by drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of the Quran.
Unleashing the Power of the Quran:
Our journey begins by exploring how the Quran sparked the greatest intellectual revolution in history, shaping the Golden Age of Islam. By understanding the values and principles that contributed to that extraordinary period, we aim to ignite a Second Golden Age, where Muslims worldwide can thrive and contribute positively to society.
Discover Your Purpose, Unleash Your Potential:
Do you yearn for a deeper sense of purpose in your life? Are you seeking to become the best version of yourself? The Second Golden Age is here to guide you on a transformative journey. Our Purpose program kindles the fire within you, awakening a desire to ascend and fulfil your true calling. Embrace a bigger vision that propels you towards greatness, one that goes beyond fleeting material gains and instead paves the way for a purpose-driven existence.
Empowering You for a Meaningful Life:
We understand that the challenges of modern life can distract us from our true potential. Our unique approach fosters curiosity and interest in meaningful knowledge about our heritage and legacy. The Second Golden Age offers an alternative, empowering perspective that encourages you to view the world and your life differently.
A Vision for a Better World:
We are not content with mere passive observers of events; we strive to be active makers of world change. Our SGA+Purpose program enables you to assess your life, identify blind spots and overcome obstacles, drawing wisdom from the Quran and Sunnah, as well as the teachings of great achievers throughout history. Together, we can create a world of justice, peace, virtue, and knowledge.
What’s the Problem We’re Solving?
Modern education and even Islamic education are not creating “thinkers”. This is resulting in an impoverished state for the Ummah and being subject to other narratives instead of creating and following our own.
Muslims were once the leaders in education, science and learning which led them on to great things. But our impact on the world stopped when we became complacent, and when we stopped thinking as an Ummah.
We are now easily led and are lagging behind.
However, the time Muslims thrived was when the attitudes to learning were very, very different to the way they are today. Then, they considered all forms of seeking knowledge a form of worshipping God - and it led them to major discoveries as they sought to excel and go as far as possible due to their love of Allah.
Now, we have separated science from the spiritual. We treat secular knowledge differently from sacred knowledge. Faith and reason are seen as mutually exclusive.
Our love of learning is not what it once was - and as a result, despite our large numbers we are nowhere near those glory days.
This is in direct conflict with our purpose and Allah’s direction set out for us in the Qur’an which is to become someone who seeks knowledge from the cradle to the grave.
What are We Doing?
Once upon a time, we were pioneers and led the world in all things. This was the Golden Age of Islam. Profound Muslim thinkers of the past such as Imam al-Ghazali, ibn Sina, ibn Arabi, Ibn Khaldun, al-Kindi and Al-Khwarizmi led the way with discoveries, innovations and theories that stood the test of time.
They had a profound impact on Islamic thought, especially philosophy, metaphysics and science, at a time when seeking all forms of knowledge was celebrated and considered a means of worshipping Allah. They recognised that the more they learned about the world, the better they would understand and impact their deen - and vice versa.
This is something we deeply believe in. That when you combine spiritual and Islamic knowledge - led and underpinned by the Qur'an - with 'wordly' knowledge of business, the arts and the sciences - we start to understand the world more deeper, more holistically and this is where wisdom and insight is enhanced as you begin to connect the dots. This can then lead to positive action, impact and maybe even changing the world!
Through this series of media, courses and workshops, we intend to revive the spirit of the first Golden Age by not only showcasing content that remind of us their great legacy, but also how to infuse that into today to bring about a version 2.0!
Our vision is to bring about a second golden age of Islam where Muslims are leading the way in intellect, innovation and impact.
Our mission is to champion an insatiable love for lifelong learning amongst Muslims, create critical thinkers and pioneers who can lead, impact and change the world.
Who Are We?
KNOW are an education and training company aimed at helping the next generation of Muslim thinkers, innovators, scientists and creatives to find their purpose, fulfill their potential, and have more impact on the world. It is led by Faisal Amjad.
What’s the point? How does this benefit the Ummah?
To bring about a “Second Golden Age”, it can’t be done without truly transforming people to firstly aspire to be and then become like those changemakers, scientists, scholars and pioneers of the past.
Throughout Islamic history, people were inspired by the Quran, sought lifelong learning and lived according to fitrah - which enabled them to go on to great achievements, change the world and leave a lasting legacy.
We believe that there are some key principles that they lived by that enabled their greatness.
We want to reverse engineer that base foundation, and combine it with the best of what the modern world teaches to revolutionize the way Muslims think and more importantly, how they act and who they become.
We believe the Quran is the key to unlocking the understanding of the modern world.
The Quran gives us the perfect balance and lens through which to see the world.
When the Muslims of the past lived by this, it paved the way for a revolution in both thought and action.
Unfortunately, today, we have separated it from everyday life.
Once upon a time, the Qur’an was central to Muslim life, and it inspired new discoveries in science, led to world exploration and set out the ethical rules for trade between merchants - amongst others - all at a time where the Muslims prospered.
Today, the Quran is merely used as a book of spirituality - but by doing so, we dilute or even negate the power and purpose of why this book was sent down to us - and consequently dilute our own power and potential.
Hence this has been and will continue to be central to our research and media production.
The Quran holds the key to unlocking our greatness again, insha'allah.
The Prophet (SAW) once said: "My Ummah is like the rain. I do not know which shower is best, the first or the last."
That means that another Golden Age is something prophesied, it is something that will definitely materialise, as long as we set the ball in motion and work towards it.
This provides us with hope, with certainty, with a powerful vision. Just as the sahabah and our pious predecessors achieved great things, there will be a time where the Ummah produces a shower comparable to those formidable leaders and pious pioneers of the past.
It doesn’t happen overnight though.
We have to work towards it.
Much of this effort is to change our mindset, have a paradigm shift in our thought process, which is the key to awakening the beast. The Ummah is a sleeping giant, filled with unrivaled potential and resources. It just needs the right minds, working creatively and collectively on the solution.
If we can help shape the hearts and minds of a new generation of Muslims, maybe, just maybe, we can spark the first seeds of this Second Golden Age, insha'Allah.